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Showing posts from April, 2017

20 Ways To Be A Blessing To Your Church

20 Ways To Be A Blessing To Your Church. By: Pastor E.A Oluwabiyi 1.   Believe in your church   2.   Say nice things about your church   3.   Say nice things about the leader or Pastor of your church.  4.   Preach Christ with your lifestyle. 5.  Be involved in the event and services of your church.  6.  Belong to a department  in your church.  7.   Attend your church activities 8.   Learn how to preach Christ with your mouth.  9.   Be committed to your service group.  10.   Give your money to serve God; do the work of an evangelist and support evangelistic works.  11.   Desire to be used to open another branch of your church.  12.   Spread the news of Gods wonder and testimonies in your church.   13.   Bring somebody new to church every week. 14.   Visit and strengthen those you bring to your church every week.  15.   Give assistance to those in your church and those newly brought to church.

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